My Washing Machine Flooded My Home, What Do I Do? - 911 WDE
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My Washing Machine Flooded My Home, What Do I Do?

By Mike Porco / in /

My Washing Machine Flooded My Home, What Do I Do?
By: 911 Water Damage Experts

Washing machines are a wonderful invention that prevent us from having to head to local watering holes to scrub our clothing. But as convenient as they are in our everyday life, they’re not flawless. And when they break, they really break. 

Because we take it for granted that they’ll work without any issues, we may not know what to do when they do break. If your washing machine has flooded your home and all you can do is panic, here’s what you need to do next. 

1. Turn Off The Water

Learning how to clean up washing machine water damage is a multi-step process. The first and most crucial step is to turn off the water. This allows you to stop the flooding at the source and prevent any more water from entering your home where it’s not wanted. 

However, before you step foot into the flooded laundry room, identify all sources of electricity. Are they dry and safe to access? If standing water has affected power sockets, turn off the power before attempting to turn off the water. 

2. Start The Clean Up

Seeing several inches of standing water can be overwhelming, but try to clean up as much of it as possible. You may need to raid the laundry cupboard for plenty of towels. 

In the event that your towels can’t soak up as much water as is present, you may need to hire, borrow, or buy a wet vacuum. Put it to work, accompanied by large fans, to take care of the standing water as quickly as possible. 

However, if it all seems like too much for you to handle, you may need to call upon a water damage restoration expert. As they are trained in what to do when a washing machine floods and have all the necessary equipment, they can relieve a significant burden from your shoulders. 

3. Empty The Washing Machine

Given that your washing machine is the cause of the flood, you likely switched it on to run a cleaning cycle as you always do. It’s safe to assume that it’s still filled with both water and clothing. Remove the clothing and drain the water away. 

By doing so, you can provide a clear view for washing machine repair people to identify the cause of the problem. It might be something as simple as a faulty hose or something as catastrophic as a total machine failure. 

4. Fix The Water Damage

Let washing machine service people take care of your washing machine repairs while you turn your attention to the chaos it left in its wake.

One of the first things you’ll notice about a room that has flooded is a damp odor, almost like the smell of wet dog. 

In many cases, opening windows and doors to air out the room can take care of that odor.

However, suppose that doesn’t solve the problem, even after drying all the moisture. In that case, water may be hiding somewhere you can’t see – such as in the flooring or walls. 

It’s essential to identify the location of that standing water as soon as possible. Mold can take up residence and spread in as little as 24-48 hours.

The sooner you bring in a mold remediation expert to identify sources of moisture and mold, the sooner you can start the repair process and begin enjoying your home again. 

Why Do Washing Machines Flood?

You put clothing in it, add some detergent, and push a button. A washing machine truly is that simple – even if it’s still a more advanced bit of technology from what our forebearers were used to. 

But when your washing machine floods for seemingly no reason, you may begin to wonder if it really is that simple. Why would your washing machine flood?

There could be many causes. 

You Used Too Much Detergent

Do you pay attention to how much laundry detergent or soap you’re using in every load?

It might be more important than you first thought to pay attention to the instructions on the packaging.

If you use too much, it can build up in your washing machine and cause it to overflow. 

Your Machine Has a Faulty Part

Nothing lasts forever, and your prized washing machine is no different. Hoses can get brittle and break, and parts can lose their efficacy over time.

Generally, you only know you’ve got a cracked, faulty, or entirely broken part when your washing machine completely floods your laundry. 

You Overloaded It

As convenient as it can be to clean all your clothing in one load, it’s not recommended.

If you overload your washing machine, it can become unbalanced and out of alignment, which can ultimately lead to a flood. 

My Washing Machine Flooded My Home, Will It Still Work?


It can be stressful having to call a water damage restoration expert to your home to deal with the mess your washing machine created. Then, you’ve got to handle the stress from the knowledge that your washing machine no longer works. 

After a washing machine causes flood damage in your home, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will no longer work again. As previously mentioned, simply overloading it or using too much detergent can cause it to flood.

If that’s the case, it may not take much effort to get it working as good as new after technician assessment. 

However, if a part failure was to blame, you may have to replace components or deal with significant repair costs to have it back in action. 

What Do I Do Now?  

If you’ve safely managed to turn off the water and start the cleanup process, you may like to call a water damage restoration expert.

They are well-equipped to handle flood damage caused by washing machines and come armed with all the necessary equipment to get the job done. 

Whether your washing machine flood has caused flooring damage, wall damage, or the onset of mold, fast action can ensure it won’t be long until your home looks as good as new. 

If you have any questions about washing machine floods in your home feel free to call us at 1-833-WE-DRY-IT anytime all the time 24/7/365 or feel free to chat with us in near real-time on our Facebook fan page.