How To Remove Mould In My Crawl Space? Our Mould Removal Experts Have Answers
By: 911 Water Damage Experts
There are plenty of humid crawl spaces that pose as the perfect breeding ground for mould and bacteria. If left untreated, this can lead to some structural issues that could develop into serious health issues too. If you are looking for some signs of how to spot the mould growing in your crawl space, here are 4 telltale signs.
1. Strong Odour
This is usually a musty odour and you cannot avoid it. It is unpleasant and it migrates through the first floor.
2. Allergies
If you have allergies, it is most likely that mould will trigger them. Mould can cause an allergic reaction. If you start experiencing respiratory issues, itchy eyes, headaches, and a runny nose, then you can bet that there is mould near by.
3. Baseboards
Your baseboards will become mouldy too. The mould from the crawl spaces can spread easily and it may affect the baseboard on the floor above.
4. Discolouration
Discolouration in crawl space component is a huge telltale sign of mould growth. You may notice some powdery, fuzzy, or slimy patches. If you are uncertain of what to look for, here are a few colour-coded clues you can use.
-Black – This is one of the most common moulds out there.
-Green – Another incredibly common mould.
-Green/black – It is considered a dangerous one and it is slimy in appearance.
-Yellow – This one can damage the wood.
-White, brown, orange – Not so common but still visible.
How To Remove The Mould From Crawl Spaces
Get some heavy gloves, throw-away overalls, a face mask, and non-vented goggles, and let’s begin!
1. Check the severity of the situation
Assessing the situation is the first step toward a cleaner home. Put your protective gear on and see how much mould there is in the crawl spaces. Lay down some plastic sheets to catch the mould as it is cleaned from the surfaces. If at any point this seems like too big of a job for you to do on your own, you can always call for a professional mould removal company near you as a reinforcement.
2. Clean with foam
Cleaning the area with a foaming spray is a great way to get rid of the mould. When you apply this to the affected area, you allow the foaming spray to loosen the mould and expand all over it. After this step is done, you should start cleaning the area with great care.
3. Soak with mould killer
You can make your mould-killing mixture or mould-removal cleaner. With the help of this, you will be able to soak up any of the remaining thin mould coats. You can even use a commercial product, they are as equally effective, and you can remove the stains as well!
4. Scrub
Beginning to scrub the residue is essential. First things first, you need to let the area dry out completely. Then, you should focus on scrubbing away the remaining mould with a stiff brush. Even though this is the step that may take up most of your time, you should focus on it the most as it is important to remove the residue, all of it.
5. Dispose of it all
When you are done with this process, all you need to do is carefully collect the plastic sheets you have placed at the beginning of this process, and seal them in a trash bag. Dispose of all your clothing as well, as any part of the gear that may have been contaminated in any way. Bag the items and keep the bag outside until trash pickup.
6. Control the climate
Finally, there is a reason why the climate needs to be controlled in crawl spaces. If you want to make sure that you are doing the best you can to address the crawl space, then one of the options you can go for is getting a dehumidifier. Install a model that is designed to operate in small and tight places.
What About Health Issues?
When you are dealing with mould in crawl spaces, you should know that it is dangerous to have it in the home in the first place. Mould grows in dark and humid areas, making crawl spaces the perfect environment.
Depending on the type of mould you are dealing with, it may be easier or more difficult to remove. This is something you should consider when it comes to your health too. So, before cleaning the mould, test it so you know what you are facing.
Is There An Acceptable Amount Of Mould In The Crawl Space?
Even though it is considered a natural part of the environment, the mold does not belong in the crawl space. The smallest patch can spread very fast and it can endanger the structural integrity of the home. You may even end up dealing with airborne mould spores that will find their way into the home.
Bottom line is that there are no acceptable levels of mould in the home.
Instead Of Risking Your Health
Contact a professional. Your DIY talents may be grand, but if the job seems too dangerous, then you should remember not to do it on your own. Call in the big guns and make sure that you keep your family safe and the affected area cleared out.
Calling a professional to handle the task instead of you also means that you will get some assistance in repairing and replacing the damaged materials.
Does It Cost Too Much?
Depending on the severity of the situation, the cost may be somewhere between $1k-$4k. This is a cost that usually involves a mould removal cost and a repair cost too. However, this all can vary depending on the situation and square feet.
How To Prevent Mould In My Crawl Space?
1. Check for leaks – Check the space at least two times a year, as the smallest leak can easily go unnoticed.
2. Insulate against condensation – This will protect your pipes from freezing and will keep mould at bay too.
3. Fix cracks in the foundation – Mould can easily grow in these small spaces.
4. Use ventilation – Fight mould by ventilating the crawl space.
5. Use a vapour barrier – Think of it as an important protection against mould.
6. Reroute rainwater – Keep it as away from the house as possible.
If you have any questions about our article “What Does Water Damage Look Like? And Who Do I Call To Fix It?” or need a water damage restoration company, feel free to call us at 1-833-WE-DRY-IT or chat with us in near real-time on our Facebook fan page.
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