How To Prevent Water Damage During A Storm -911WDE
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How To Prevent Water Damage During A Storm

By Mike Porco / in , , , /

How To Prevent Water Damage During A Storm
By: 911 Water Damage Experts

When you see red alert weather warnings headed your way, you may think you’re at the complete mercy of Mother Nature. While it’s true that she holds most of the cards, there are things you can do to prevent your property from being subjected to extensive damage. 

In the end, Mother Nature will do as she pleases, but any of the following things may be more helpful than you might think. 

Water Damage Tip #1: Ensure Doors And Windows Are Weather-Tight

front door closed

Source: Pixabay

During the summer months, fully functional doors that open and close are your highest priority.

Having a small gap or two in these windows and doors may not even matter to you because you want as much airflow as possible – especially if you don’t have functioning air conditioning. 

However, when the colder seasons hit and weather warnings become more commonplace, weather tightness holds the utmost importance. Go around your home – inside and outside – and check for cracks and gaps on all doors and windows. 

If you see any, purchase weather tape and caulk materials to seal them. If you have significant gaps around your door, using a closed-cell polyethylene foam rod (backer rod) or installing a storm door may be worth your while. 

The fewer cracks and gaps your home has, the better your chances are of protecting the interior of it against air and water penetration. This practice may also help lower your energy bills year-round, as well. 

Water Damage Tip #2: Organize Your Assets


Source: Pixabay

While there are many things you can control in your life, the weather isn’t one of them. The unfortunate reality is that sometimes your property can get damaged. To prevent some of your most prized possessions falling victim to the elements, put a plan into action. 

As soon as that weather warning comes in, focus your attention on your irreplaceable assets that require your protection. Put original documents into waterproof containers, along with deeds, titles, identification, and family heirlooms.

Consider putting this container up high on a secure shelf, or take it with you if you plan on vacating. 

If you have valuable electronics that would never survive water damage, unplug and secure them before the rain starts falling. You can store these in plastic containers on secure shelving to give them the best chance of making it through a storm. 

As the weather worsens, consider unplugging electronics that can be vulnerable to power fluctuations, such as refrigerators, computers, and gaming systems. 

Water Damage Tip #3: Keep Your Home Clean And Clutter-Free


Source: Pixabay

Even though Mother Nature is not a welcome house guest that you want to impress, having a clutter-free and clean home may actually work in your favor.

You know where everything is to access it in a hurry, and you can also notice water damage occurring when it happens. 

If you have piles of clutter in corners, it can be much harder to see where water has penetrated until it’s too late. 

Water Damage Tip #4: Create A Survival Kit


Source: Pixabay

You’re probably thinking, how on earth can a survival kit prevent water damage during a storm? A kit itself can’t, but what you put in that kit may actually make a world of difference. 

Think about everything you would need to protect yourself and your family in an emergency weather event. There is a wide-ranging variety of items, and not all of them will be stored in one part of your home. 

If you create a kit with essentials like duct tape, basic tools, and even a collection of bags you can fill with sand, you are in a much better position to protect your home.

Your survival kit should also include all the emergency essentials such as a first aid kit, non-perishable food, water, medication, pet supplies, batteries, flashlights, and radios. 

You may also like to create ‘go bags’ for each member of your family. These bags can include a change of clothes, snacks, and a few other essentials if you need to leave your home in a hurry. Don’t forget to take your plastic container of irreplaceable items on the way out. 

Water Damage Tip #5: Remove Outside Dangers

Source: Pixabay

Even though it’s important to focus on the inside of your home to prevent damage, the outside can be of equal importance. High winds and heavy rain can wreak havoc and turn everyday items into damaging projectiles. 

Before a storm kicks off, poke your head outside and scan your yard for items that could pose a danger. You might have a damaged or diseased tree or maybe a trampoline that hasn’t been secured in place. 

Even trash bins, kids’ bikes, toys, and gardening implements can cause a significant amount of damage if they are uplifted by wild weather. Secure everything you possibly can, and consider making contact with an emergency arborist to manage any dangerous trees. 

Water Damage Tip #6: Check Drainage Systems, Pumps, And Gutters

rain gutter

Source: Pixabay

If your region is about to experience heavy rainfall, make sure your drainage system, pumps, and gutters are as ready as they can be for it. 

Clear out gutters and spouting to allow for a clear run of water without obstacles. It’s also essential to make sure your pumps are in sound working order and up to the task of pumping large volumes of water. 

If you are unsure what significant rainfall could mean for your property, have a plumber and water restoration company contact information close by, just in case.  

Water Damage Tip #7: What To Do If Your Property Experiences Water Damage

hurricane harvey

Source: Pixabay

Even after all your efforts to stop water damage in its tracks, it can still happen. You may not realize it, but your measures may have still prevented the damage from being a lot worse. 

Still, if you have experienced minor or major water damage, you will be pleased to know that you can get help when you need it. Water damage restoration companies can assist with both the removal of water-damaged building materials and their restoration. 

While the last thing you want is to be dealing with water damage, you can at least enjoy peace of mind knowing there are experts available 24/7 to assist. 

If you have any questions about emergency flood and storm cleanup and restoration call us at 1-833-WE-DRY-IT any time 24/7/365 all the time, we’re there when you need us!

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2 thoughts on “How To Prevent Water Damage During A Storm

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