Garage Flooding: Prevention Tips And Hacks That’ll Solve Garage Water Damage Whoas
By: 911 Water Damage Experts
Floods are among the most destructive natural hazards. Floods and stormwater can wreak havoc on your home. If you live in a flood zone or a floodplain, the risk of flooding is increased. Consider the following steps to prevent a flood from occurring in your garage in the first place.
Common Causes Of Garage Flooding
Flooding can be extremely difficult to deal with, but repairing flood damage is quite an expensive project.
It’s important to note garages are more prone to flood damage compared to other areas of a home. However, there are various ways to fix this. Before getting into how to repair damage, it’s important to gain insight on types of flooding and reasons for it happening.
Sewage Flooding
Heavy rains or melting snow will overwhelm a sewer system. The sudden flow from the excess water will cause sewage to back up into a home.
These problems typically begin from outside on street level. The water pours into the system after a heavy storm and raises the water table. The water surfaces at the lowest point of the basement. Of all the reasons this one is the less preventable.
Additionally, urban development is also a problem for a sewer system.
Natural draining areas become blocked by asphalt and other structures. The water is unable to drain properly and causes flooding in the sewer system.
Burst Water Pipes
Fresh water pipes located in the yard that supply water to a house can burst, which causes the water to enter the garage from the ground below.
Flooding Caused By Bad Weather
Heavy rainfall, hurricane or storm surges can almost cause flooding especially in lowland.
Overflowing water from nearby sources, including streams, broken dams, or lakes can cause flooding too.
Garage Flooding Solutions, Flooding Cleanup And Preventative Measures
It’s essential to address water damage issues in your garage before, during, and after flooding.
Below are some of the best practices that every homeowner can follow to protect their garage from structural problems caused by flooding.
Identify Sources Of Water Problems
Make sure you take time to determine sources of water that could serve as a potential trigger for flooding. Prevention is key. Also, be sure to check your drainage pipes and if necessary, divert water from the garage. Burst pipes should be fixed immediately as well.
Install Flood Barrier
If you live in a lowland area, consider installing a garage barrier in your property. A flood barrier is a good investment especially if your garage contains household items that are hard to replace or too expensive to just be damaged by water.
Weather-Strip Your Garage Door
Weather-stripping the bottom of your garage door is very important to prevent water damage.
If you already have weather-stripping in your garage door, conduct a check up to ensure that it hasn’t worn out yet.
Check The Foundation
Maintaining a strong foundation is crucial to preventing flooding in your garage.
Have it inspected regularly for cracks or damage which could cause sewage lines or sewer water pipes to burst.
Clean The Gutters
Gutters play a very important role in protecting your garage from water damage as they are designed to lead water through a downpipe and out to the drainage system and away from your home.
Make sure to clean your gutters from leaves and other debris and repair any crack or holes. Do the same thing with the rest of your garage roofing system.
Waterproof The Walls
Applying a waterproof veneer to the walls creates a seal to ensure that water doesn’t seep in. Doing so keeps your garage wall system intact.
Install Adequate Flood Drainage
Flood drains divert water away from your home and garage. They can be a helpful addition especially if there is serious flooding in your area.
Additionally, smooth down uneven ground because it directs water to your garage.
Cleaning and restoring garage water damage should be done immediately after flood waters subside. Below are important steps to take:
Safety Is Crucial
Before entering your garage, check if there is no major damage that could compromise your safety.
Keep children and pets away from the area until the flooding cleanup is complete.
Remove Wet Contents
Wet contents have to be washed and dried completely. It helps if you dry them under direct sunlight. Badly damaged items or soaked in water and can no longer be disinfected must be discarded.
Drywall and insulation that have been soaked in water are likely to be removed and discarded as well.
Remove Water Using The Right Tools And Equipment
Make sure that you are also properly geared to avoid exposure to contaminated floodwater.
Wash All Surfaces
Once the water has been removed, wash the floors, walls and other surfaces with soapy warm, clean water. Sanitize surfaces using specialized cleaning solutions, such as bleach.
If there’s mold, scrub to remove it. If the mold infestation is difficult to manage, it’s best to call professionals for help.
Try Air Movers Throughout The Cleaning Process
An air mover significantly speed up the drying time by reducing the amount of moisture present in the air.
Dry Every Item
Make sure your garage interiors are dried completely before re-organizing or putting items back.
Look For Assistance
Call water restoration professionals to ensure that there was no serious structural damage in your garage. Call a profession about the different options to better waterproof and flood-proof your garage in the future.
Taking the necessary precautions to keep water out of your garage will prevent long term damage. Remember garages are fundamental for any home and where most store valuable belongings.
If you have any questions about garage water damage or need help with water damage restoration, feel free to call us at 1-833WE-DRY-IT anytime 24/7/365 all the time. We’re there when you need us!
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