Common Causes Of Flooding In The Home
By: 911 Water Damage Experts
Home floods can happen to anyone and they can leave both minor and major damages.
Floods are known to destroy home structures, ruin valuable items, and even kill residents.
Below we hight the most common causes of flooding so you know what to look out for before it’s too late.
Let’s get right into it.
1. Broken Pipes
All it takes for flood problems to arise is from one broken water pipe. The water will immediately start rushing into the home. This is why you need to be extra careful about this. It is always important to check your pipes for any leaks and fix them as soon as possible. If you see some pipes that are damaged, call a professional immediately and protect yourself from a flooding issue.
2. Bad Drainage
This is one of the biggest hazards that could to extensive damage to your floors. One of the reasons for a flood may be improper drainage. Repair your sewer line and always opt for professional plumbing. All of this will cost less than the actual repairs if a flood occurs.
3. Not Cleaning Rain Gutters
This is a rookie mistake. Everybody knows that the rain gutters have to be clean at all times, especially during the rainy seasons. The purpose of rain gutters is to steer the water away from the home, not into it. If they are clogged, and if there is heavy rainfall, your home is bound to get flooded. This is why any dirt and debris need to be removed immediately. Remember to clean your gutters regularly.
4. Appliances That Are Not Working Well
A broken washing machine, dishwasher, or water heater can do a lot more damage than you think. They can easily overflow your home with water. It is very important to check your appliances for any leaks whatsoever. If you notice an issue, you need to take care of it immediately. The “taking care of it” part results in either repairing the appliance or just replacing it with a new one.
5. Damage In The Foundation
This is an issue that needs to be taken very seriously. Any cracks in your foundation can lead to the water entering the home and creating a flood. Those homes that have a solid foundation may not get damaged, but in case of a heavy storm, you need to do the work and check for any cracks. It is important to do repairs when it comes to your foundation if you want to prevent any flooding from happening. The cost of the repair is not that high in comparison to what you would pay if any damages start happening.
6. Heavy Rainfall
As we already mentioned, one of the most common factors that contribute to the flooding of a come is heavy rains. Every housing area is designed to steer the water away from homes and away from the population. However, this is not always the case. When the infrastructure fails to do its job, and the systems are overwhelmed, the water finds its way into homes. This usually happens when there is a lot of rain for a longer period. Nevertheless, you need to protect your home and prevent this from happening.
7. Rivers That Overflow
Another common factor when it comes to flooding is rivers. This is a result of constant rainy weather. Some rivers may overflow. If you are living near a river, be mindful whenever the rainy season comes. Even though most rivers have dams, they are sometimes difficult to manage by governments and often left on their own. This can easily lead to flooding in the area surrounding the river.
8. Broken Dams
As we just mentioned, the dams can be left on their own sometimes. If the dam is broken, it can release a surge of water to the nearest households. Since the infrastructure in the USA is from the 20th century, it is getting pretty old. This is how flooding can happen very easily. When the water levels rise, the structure fails to deliver.
9. Urban Drainage Basins
Most cities nowadays are made out of concrete. This includes the urban drainage basins too. So, when the drainage basin is made out of concrete, there is no way for the water to sink into the ground. Naturally, when these drainage basins overflow and the water will go to the nearest households. This tends to happen in those largely populated cities. When there is heavy rain, for a longer period of time, these drainage basins are unable to take the load.
10. Tsunamies And Storm Surges
We have put the blame mostly on rain for most of this article when it is not always the case. A tsunami can have a great impact on flooding certain areas. They can leave behind some devastating damage. Hurricanes and other storms can also lead to flooding. However, thanks to modern technology, we can now know beforehand whether there is a big storm coming our way. This can help in the process of evacuating people and protecting your home from a big flood.
11. Lack Of Vegetation
Believe it or not, vegetation can slow down or even stop a flood. The power of nature never seizes to surprise us. However, when there is a lack of vegetation, there is nothing to stop the water from coming down a hill and creating a devastating flood.
12. Melting Ice And Snow
If there is a heavy winter with plenty of ice and snow, the spring is bound to be filled with minor or larger floods. After all, when the ice and snow melt, they have to go somewhere, right? This does not happen everywhere in the world. It is a phenomenon that can mostly be seen in populated areas in the mountains, especially if they are low-lying populated areas. The water makes its way down and creates damage to the homes of these people. The only bit of good news, in this case, is that sustained winter precipitation can provide a long lead time when it comes to preparing yourself for a potential flood.
We have covered some of the most common causes of floods in modern times. The positive thing about it is that, in most cases, you can prevent this from happening or just protect yourself and your home. The only thing you need to remember is that no matter the case if you experience a flood, you need to call a professional to fix the damage done. They are equipped to take care of these particular issues safely, without you trying to do it on your own and hurting yourself or worse.
If you have any questions about the causes of flooding in the home, flood damage and water damage restoration feel free to call us at 1-833-WE-DRY-IT or chat with us in near real-time on our Facebook fan page.
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