5 Signs You Have Mould Growing In Your Walls-911WDE
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5 Signs You Have Mould Growing In Your Walls

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5 Signs You Have Mould Growing In Your Walls
By: 911 Water Damage Experts

It is difficult for the untrained homeowner to detect mould when mould infests inside walls.

Thankfully, there are effective ways to detect it, deal with its potential dangers of it, and specific ways to remove it.

What Are The Most Common Causes of Mould Growth?

-When the condensation line from the air conditioning breaks inside the walls

-If there is a sewer drain line that has created a recurring leak

-When the area where a water pipe has once burst was never properly dried out

-If water from a window leak started to drip between the walls

-When there is some water intrusion from outside, such as from rain or irrigation, due to siding, stucco, and so on, that has been compromised

mould on walls

What Are The Five Most Frequent Signs of Mould Growing In Your Walls?

-The walls start to get dry and damp, even wet in some cases

-You start noticing some staining on the interior wall and base moulding

-Your eyes and nose are constantly itching, you have red eyes and you are sneezing

-You start feeling extremely unwell in your home and feel better when you are outside

-There is a pungent odour – you can’t see from where, but you can smell it

How To Detect Black Mould Inside My Walls?

If you are interested in knowing whether a certain area of your home has been infected with black mould, there is an easy way to find out.

Get yourself a moisture reading device and check for moisture in any particular area.

If you find there is moisture, then there is a high chance there would be mould there too.

After that, all you need to do is find the area that is the wettest, and cut open a small area.

Then, take a flashlight and inspect it – if there is growth there, then it is time to take some action!

Opening The Wall And Using Bleach – Is This A Safe Option?

If you want to treat mould in the wall by yourself, there are a few things you need to be extremely careful about.

First of all, take into consideration how old is the property.

There could be some lead and asbestos present too, so be careful how you handle this since this might easily become a job for a professional.

Second, if you want to keep the area isolated, you need to contain the area with plastic – this is how you will prevent mould spores from causing any further damage.

In this way, you can capture the dust and particles simply by spreading some shaving cream.

Last but not least, do not use bleach.

Even though there is a lot of information on the internet about this being a home hack, it does not work.

There have been plenty of cases where people have used bleach, and mould has grown right back just after a few days. If you want to get rid of mould once and for all, try using a mould-removing agent.

How Do I Remove Mould From Inside Your Walls?

Some products on the market have been specifically designed to do this.

Mould removal can be an easy thing if you have the right agents next to you. Some of these mould-removing agents even work on wood!

If There Is A Mould Only On The Base And The Lower Parts Of The Home, What Do I Do?

This is a clear sign that the damage being done by the water is coming from an outside source.

Any sprinklers or a fountain, or maybe a slow pipe leak inside the wall may be the answer.

All of these can be the source of water damage inside the walls.

If You Think That There Is Mould Inside The Walls, What Should You Do?

Make sure to contact a mould inspector or a professional water damage company that can help you with determining whether there is damage done in the first place, and the extent of the damage.

You’ll find out if there’s leak in your building.

If you happen to have a landlord, then have them inspect the place, and depending on the extent of the damage, have them deduct it from your next month’s rent.

When you call a professional mould removal company, remember that they always need consent to open up a wall and look inside.

How Do I Prevent Mould From Growing Inside My Walls?

If you want to prevent mould from forming inside the walls, the best thing to do is to maintain your plumbing on an annual level, check the HVAC condensation line as often as you can, make sure the home is ventilated well, and have the doors and windows waterproofed.

Make sure to keep the kitchen floor and walls dry too.

There are a few paints on the market that can provide your walls with antimicrobial defense inside, which will have long-lasting effects on the health of your walls.

When you are looking for ways to dry out your bathroom, a good and powerful fan always does the trick.

What About Mould Inside Closet Walls, Where There Is No Leak?

This means that there is a lot of content inside the walls that are creating sweat and dew.

This also means that there is no airflow, which can easily lead to mould.

In this case, it is best to clean every inch of the space and add some charcoal/dehu bags in every corner.

This will prevent any odours related to mould from happening and will assist in the extraction of moisture.

How Much Does It Cost To Remove Mould From Inside The Walls?

This depends on the extent of the damage done to the walls, and of course how wet the walls are.

It also depends on the area that is affected. In small cases, the extraction would cost about $900 dollars, but if there is a severe case and a large surface, it can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

How Much Does The Inside Wall Testing Cost?

Since this particular test requires taking a small swab from inside your walls, the testing costs no more than $200 dollars. For any additional air mould samples, you’re looking at a cost of around $300 dollars, and about $50 dollars per sample if you want your results within the next day or two.

Can You Test For Mould Yourself?

Depending if your intentions are good. If you are a landlord, then yes, you can do that by yourself. If you need it for legal purposes, then it is not okay. If you are just curious, there is a way to do this in your home by yourself.

What Happens If You Find A Yellow Fungus?

This is not mould, but rather the most dangerous fungi that can be found in a home. It can do extensive damage to the property and is deemed extremely dangerous.

Is Wall Mould Dangerous?

Some people are more resistant to it, but you might start dealing with some skin or respiratory issues after a longer period. If you want to check if your home has been contaminated by mould, the best way to do that is to check the quality of the air.


You have to be extremely careful in a situation where you find yourself dealing with mould inside the walls of your home. If you don’t know how to handle it properly and want to avoid any secondary damage from happening, then make sure to contact a professional water damage company or mould removal company do to that for you.

If you have any questions about our article “5 Signs You Have Mould Growing In Your Walls” or need a professional water damage restoration company or mould removal company feel free to call us at 1-833-WE-DRY-IT or chat with us in near real-time on our Facebook fan page.

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